The Company is privileged to have leading experts in the domain of Clean Technology at its helm, who collectively bring in a world of invaluable experience that drives the everyday functioning of the company. Some of them are recognised as ‘pioneers’ of the Renewable Energy Industry. These experts and industry professionals make up the Board of Advisors at TeamSustain, to propel the company into a Bright Future.
MechanicalEngineerbytrade.Has worked forover 22years in the field of Greenenergy. Has spear headed many innovative clean energy projects. With him at the helm,Team Sustain has gone on to successfully execute over 600 projects. He is the Chief Technical Advisor to Quanta Tower Gen Pvt. Ltd. and Quanta Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.,a 100% subsidiary of Quanta Services Inc, USA which is amongst the Fortune 500 Companies(Topco Quanta Services-NYSE:PWR).
He serves as the Director(R&D) at Team Sustain. He is the Director General & Managing Trustee of INGCORE, anon-profit Trust for promotion of Renewable Energy worldwide. He is the Chairman, Centre for Environment and Development(CED), Trivandrum, Hyderabad and Bhubaneswar - an autonomous institution. He is a Trustee for ALTERC(Alternative Energy Research Centre) attached to School of Energy,PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, and collaborating with the State University of NewYork (SUNY) on Pyrolysisgasification technology for heat and power. He is the Patron of Energy Conservation Society(India)–Founder President from 1992 to 96.Patron, Energy Management Foundation of India (Since 1997).Technical Chair,IEEE Humanitarian Technology Conference (SouthAsia Satellite) 2013.
Emeritus Professor - Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, Australia. Registered 5 patents for Telecom applications, Variable speed generator, Hybrid power generation system, Power management system and Method for optimizing fuel consumption.Published many books, papers in journals and Conference proceedings on Renewable Energy. 42 years of experience in RE domain and highly qualified -BSc Eng, MTech, PhD, CEng, NPER, FIEAust, SMIEEE&MIEE.
Master's degree holder in Architecture. Associate to Indian Institute of Architects and is a member of the council of architects. Involved in product design and has been working on various innovative product design projects including panelised building systems, windmills etc. Designer of Rethm series of “high-end” loudspeakers. Recipient of Inside Outside–Designer of the year August 2005.
Mr.Jayaraman,B.Tech((NIT,Calicut),MBA(IGNOU),a full bright scholar LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LAB,CALIFORNIA; is an expert in the field of Clean Technology, who has won many awards and accolade from the government and various organizations. The founder Vice President of SEEM, a professional body of Energy Managers and Auditors, he holds various posts in Government and NGO bodies, in clean energy domain.He has co-authored a book with Dr.Jurgis Staniskis of Lithuania University, on CLEANER PRODUCTION AND ENERGY CONSERVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.
Vastly experienced in the field of engineering in both India and abroad. He is the Director–Engineering at Team Sustain. He leads and guides a team of engineers performing various activities such as site engineering analysis, designing, evaluation of energy efficiency, etc for residential, commercial/industrial projects in various domains of Clean Energy generation.
She guides and manages the overall provisions of Human Resources and Administration services, policies and programs through the HR and Admin teams of the Company.She ensures the smooth functioning of corporate affairs, general office Administration, management of personnel, training, staff welfare and the day-to-day operations of the Company.
Presently serves as the IT - Director of the Company. Being the youngest Director, she brings addition of fresh and creative ideas and a different perspective on IT and technologies. Acts as bridge to the next generation of young talents by greater level of flexibility and adaptability to make the most of new technologies and trends that help ensure the future of the organization. Create a diversity of experience and skills and the ability to use new technologies conforming to international standards to spread the organization’s message and its work across the globe.